Mesin Sukhoi Su-30 TNI Meledak di Udara. Pilot Lakukan Aksi Dramatis. Ini Kronologinya

Dua penerbang tempur pesawat Sukhoi (SU-30) MK2, Letkol Pnb Anton Pallaguna dan Lettu Pnb Ahmad Finandika mengalami kejadian yang sangat menegangkan di udara.
Mesin Sukhoi Su-30 TNI Meledak di Udara. Pilot Lakukan Aksi Dramatis. Ini Kronologinya
Mesin Sukhoi Su-30 TNI Meledak di Udara. Pilot Lakukan Aksi Dramatis. Ini Kronologinya
Ketika mengudara, terjadi “accident bird strike” (mesinnya kemasukan burung), sehingga menyebabkan satu mesin mati saat gladi bersih peringatan HUT Ke-71 TNI AU di Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur, pada 7 April lalu.

Peristiwa itu terjadi ketika pesawat telah lepas landas dari Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, kemudian terdengar suara yang cukup keras. Melihat kondisi itu, pilot langsung mematikan mesin pesawat yang mengalami ‘accident’.

Pilot Sukhoi 30 MK2, Letkol Pnb Anton Pallaguna menambahkan, pada saat ‘start engine’, pesawat dalam kondisi normal. Namun setelah take off, sekitar 700 feet ada sesuatu yang menabrak di mesin bagian kiri dan terdengar beberapa kali ledakan.

“Melihat kondisi itu, saya langsung mematikan mesin. Saya tanya pilot yang dibelakang, apakah mesin sebelah kiri mati? Sementara mesin sebelah kanan mengalami fluktuasi di monitor. Akhirnya, saya memutuskan untuk mematikan mesin dan membuang sebagian bahan bakar untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya ledakan yang sangat berbahaya,” katanya.

Dirinya berusaha untuk mendaratkan pesawat dengan aman mengingat banyak permukim warga di sekitar Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma. Tak hanya itu, banyak pesawat yang berada di run way untuk mengantri giliran take off karena sedang dilakukan latihan.

“Kalau saya eject (kursi pelontar), maka akan berbahaya bagi keselamatan warga dan orang yang berada di sekitar Lanud. Saya katakan, mayday…mayday…agar orang yang berada di bawah segera meninggalkan landasan pacu. Setelah berputar selama 3,5 putaran dengan ketinggian 1200 feet, akhirnya kami berhasil mendarat dengan selamat,” kata Anton.Budi Suyanto

Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto memberikan penghargaan sertifikat “Welldone” kepada dua penerbang ini.

Pemberian penghargaan dilakukan di Markas Besar (Mabes) TNI AU, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Jumat, 21/4/2017.

“Saya berikan apresiasi kepada personel Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Hasanudin, Makassar atas tindakan yang tepat dan berani pada saat gladi bersih HUT Ke-71 TNI AU, sehingga tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak kita inginkan,” ujar KSAU.

“Tindakannya tepat sekali dengan mematikan satu mesin. Kalau tidak segera dimatikan akan berbahaya mengingat bahan bakar masih penuh. Ini sesuai dengan SOP. Oleh karenanya, kita kasih penghargaan tertinggi, “welldone”,” kata KSAU.

Di sinilah profesionalisme para penerbang diuji dengan melakukan tindakan penyelamatan yang yelag dilakukan terhadap alutsista pesawat Sukhoi 30 MK2, ujar Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto.

Kepada Letkol Pnb Anton Palaguna dan Lettu Pnb ahmad Finandika, KSAU mengucapkan terima kasih atas keberhasilannya menyelamatkan diri berikut alutsista yang dioperasikan, sehingga terhindar dari ‘accident’ yang lebih buruk.

“Ingat, kejadian tersebut bukan karena kehebatan yang dimiliki, tetapi karena Allah SWT, maka kalian terhindar dari malapetaka. Syukuri, sekaligus jadikan pengalaman tersebut sebagai pelajaran yang berharga dan bagikan pengalaman itu kepada ‘air crew’ sehingga profesionalisme penerbang TNI AU terus meningkat,” kata KSAU. (jkrtgt)
5 Consequences of Driving without Car Insurance Do you own a car? Great! Does your car also have a valid motor insurance cover on it? Owning a car, while earlier classified as being a luxury, has now moved down to being a comfort. In fact, in metros, a car has almost become a necessity due to long-distance commutes. More and more of us are, therefore, buying a car. But are we also buying the mandatory car insurance policy? Every car which is to ply on Indian roads should have a valid car insurance cover, states the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. When you buy a new car, the choice of buying an insurance policy is, thankfully, taken out of your hands. The on-road price of the car is inclusive of the insurance premium for your car insurance policy. The problems arise when the policy expires after a year. Car insurance plans are usually issued for one year after which they should be renewed. If you do not renew it, you are driving a car without car insurance. If numbers are any indication, a study by New India Assurance revealed that about 70% of vehicles on Indian roads are without insurance. Is your car one among them? If yes, beware. Here are 5 consequences if you drive your car without having a valid Car Insurance policy: Be prepared to pay heavy fines Earlier, the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 governed the road safety and traffic rules. Recently, the Government passed the Road Transport and Safety Bill 2014 to replace the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Among other changes, the Bill penalizes you heavily if you are caught driving without having a valid insurance cover. As per the amendments, you would have to part with a whopping Rs.25, 000 for a light motor vehicles or Rs.75, 000 for other motor vehicles as a fine for driving without insurance. A huge fine, isn’t it? Pay losses for damages caused to third party or property In an accident, if you unintentionally harm any person or surrounding property, you are liable to pay the loss incurred. This is called third party liability. Your car insurance mandatorily covers this third party liability and spares you the loss incurred. In the absence of a valid insurance cover, you would have to bear the losses incurred. If the person dies, your liability would be very high. Read more Is third party car worth buying? Pay losses for own damage While you have to compulsorily pay losses caused to a third party, what about your losses. In an accident even your vehicle suffers damage. The costs of repairs for such damage are borne by your comprehensive car insurance policy. Without insurance, the onus of paying for the repairs is on you. With the high cost associated with the repairs of your car, a financial strain is inevitable. Read more about All you need to know about car insurance Face legal complications Besides the financial loss suffered in an accident which causes damage to a third party and/or self, you would also be entangled in legal complications if your car is found without a valid insurance cover. You would be penalized, get a challan and might even be imprisoned. Loss of No Claim Bonus If your car insurance expires and you do not renew it, besides the penalties and fines, you also lose the No Claim Bonus which you accumulated in your existing policy. Car insurance plans allow a discount in subsequent year’s premiums if there is no claim in any current year. This discount increases every year and saves your premium outgo. If you let your car insurance policy lapse, you lose the accumulated NCB and end up paying a higher premium when the policy is consequently renewed. A car insurance policy is legally mandatory and not having one results in serious consequences (as mentioned above). While a third party liability cover is mandatory, a comprehensive policy is better. The former pays only for the damages caused to any third party but the latter also covers damages incurred by you and your car. The premium for a comprehensive policy is slightly higher because of higher coverage. For instance, the premium payable for a Maruti Ritz car registered in 2012 having a capacity of 1197cc would have a third party premium of Rs.2237 and a comprehensive premium of Rs.4200 (approximately). With a slight increase in the premium you can avail a higher coverage option which covers for your damages too. Since car repairs are expensive, a comprehensive policy makes more sense even if the premiums are a little high. So do not fall a victim to these consequences and buy an insurance policy for your car today.

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